Friday, March 24, 2023


Welcome back!

Today was quite the day:) It was filming day #3, we were all ready to go and film some shots at the beach. One of our main issues that I didn’t take into account was that we were filming at the beach during spring break, in Florida… The beaches were packed so we decided to migrate to a more low-key beach; Sunny Isles. I had to work in the morning and I got off at 2 pm, we wanted to film during sunset so this was perfect. I got off work and we were all ready to go. I picked up the crew and we were on our way.

We were ten minutes away from the beach, singing Bob Marley with the windows down. I had dosed off in the passenger’s seat exhausted from work until I woke up to a very aggressive hit next to me. I woke up confused and as I opened my eyes I saw the car going over the express lane white poles as my friends yelled. It took me a second to understand we had crashed. We pulled over on the side of the express lane as cars wished past us at 70 miles per hour (we were on a bridge so there was no alternative). My friend who was driving immediately got out of the car right after asking if I was okay. I turn around and ask what happened. 

A white sedan had tried to merge into our lane without checking its blind spots or turning on a turning light. They hit the right side of the car and completely scratched the whole door. Everyone was okay which was what mattered. To make the story shorter; after many discussions, insurance exchanges, and pictures the cops were called. This call was made around 4 pm, and the cops showed up around 7 pm. It was the most uncomfortable 3 hours of my life. We had gotten off the highway and we were stranded on the side of the road with a family of 7 who had just crashed into us swearing “we were just too young to be driving”.

It was a Cuban family of 7 driving a rental white corolla for 5, they had just gotten off their flight from New York and were leaving the airport. As you can imagine, they were not happy. After many hours of waiting all issues were resolved as the cops declared them guilty of the crash and responsible for all damages. 

Overall, by the time this was all over the sun was going down and all we could think about were getting those shots since we were so close to the beach. We drove to the beach as soon as the cops left. As we approached Sunny isles in its last hours of daylight. My friend and I decided to get off the car at a red light and sprint to the beach as the sun was going down in a matter of seconds. We got there just in time, and it was all worth it. 

I’m a big believer in “everything happens for a reason”, of course, I’m not happy my friend's mom’s car got demolished by a white corolla but those shots turned out truly beautiful. The timing was perfect, the water was turquoise blue and the sky pink, and it was the perfect timing for the building’s windows to reflect the orange sunlight. We shot fast and out of breath, but it was all worth it. Here is a sneak peek. 

Stay tuned to see how it turns out!

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The day has come, this is officially my last post for this project. Thank you for tagging along, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did :) H...